The acoustic evaluation consists of the Acoustic Responsibility Term and Report of Acoustic Measurements, and must be accompanied by the declaration of qualification issued by the respective professional order.

Acoustic Responsibility Term

In order to achieve this acoustic performance in buildings, it was required under Ordinance No. 113/2015, of 22 April o The term of acoustic responsibility, which must instruct the processes submitted under the Legal Framework for Urbanization and Edification.

In the case of specific elements of prior information or licensing, the term of responsibility attests that the execution of the subdivision operation or the execution of the urbanization works complies with the General Noise Regulation.

In the case of specific elements of requests for authorization and alteration of use, the term of responsibility certifies the conformity of the work with the acoustic project. In this case, the term of responsibility is drawn up and signed based on acoustic tests, carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Acoustic Requirements of Buildings.